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7. Tropico vs. Tropico 2: Pirate Cove

a) Tropico

Most of us think it’s easy to be a president. But when you start playing Tropico, you will certainly change your mind. Regardless of any other stated victory condition, the main goal of Tropico is to stay in power–if the island's populace disapprove of the player's actions, they may vote their leader out of office, or even stage a coup d'état (revolt). On the other side, if USA or SSSR don’t like the way you control your banana republic, they will launch an invasion on your island.

You are given absolute control of your island. To earn money, you can base you economy on tourism, industry or raw materials export (wood, coal...). You can manipulate your population as you want (imprison, eliminate, etc...) through edicts. Edicts can affect your population positively or negatively, depends on which edict you use.

That’s it. Now excuse me, I’m going to cry, because my CD is destroyed...

Rate: 9.5/10

b) Tropico 2: Pirate Cove

In Tropico, you controlled banana republic. Instead of it, in Tropico 2 you are given control of pirate nest! Earning money is now completely different. Now you need to raid settlements with your ship(s), to earn your profit. But micromanagement from Tropico is still present. You must make weapons for your pirates and keep them happy. There are two types of habitants on your island: pirates, who you need for raids and guarding, and captives, who you need for laboring. Each of them are essential, so you need to carefully balance their happiness. You use two factors to make them happy: anarchy, that makes pirates happy but doesn’t affect good on captives, and order, that makes captives happy, but make pirates nervous.

The game is pretty harder than Tropico, and it is rather complicated to successfully raise your island

Rate: 9/10


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