a) MoH: Allied Assault
Allied Assault is originally ported from PS, which
promises no good. But fear not, noble gamers! This game is almost the best FPS ever made for PC (ported, I mean, but who cares), except Call of Duty, maybe, but that’s other story...
Your first mission is in Africa, when you need to retake one town from Germans. Almost all missions are designed in same way, and they are linear and scripted. For example, your teammates will die when the game says so, and you can’t save them (how undemocratic...). Exception is third mission, Omaha beach. You, like many others, need to charge upon enemy bunkers and kill all Nazi’s. You even can feel small part of chaos that was present there... wow...
One more flaw is that your soldiers (teammates) will always die, leaving you to kill hordes of Germans. Where is reality here? O, shit...
Rate: 8/10
b) MoH: Pacific Assault
Pacific Assault is made in 2004, and it was horribly demanding game, but didn’t
bring any revolutionary and new with it. Only some fancy effects. Battlefield is now on pacific islands, and there is one bad thing with it: boring exteriors. Green. Green. Wherever you turn, only GREEN. Man, I went insane in these jungles...
Combat system is pretty bad. It’s somewhat boring (with exceptions), soldiers are to immune to ammunition and ammo is spent unusually quickly. Weird...
Most interesting missions are in the beginning , when you control a boat, and somewhere in the middle of the game, when you control a plane. Rest is boring.
Rate: 6/10